
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Beachy-Vibe Little Maple Buffet

I found this piece of, er, um,,,,,piece at a garage sale around the corner. 
It was a sad, sad little water damaged buffet. But the nice thing
about wood is that it's hardy and forgiving! 

Take a gander at this solid maple beaut...

Yes,,,that thing lying in there is the bottom shelf. The top looked just as bad as the rest of it. 
They were asking $30...I offered 20 bucks.  The two girls nearly threw it at me. 
Should have offered 5. Oh well. 

 I had a bit of left over milk paint in turquoise. I brush a bit here and there on top and then painted the whole thing with CeCe Caldwells White.

 Cutting out a new bottom shelf. 
 Filling in the handle holes on the doors
I wrapped the new bottom shelf piece with some leftover fabric
which ended up looking like this:

 I just love the way this top finished. You can see the turquoise milk paint on the raw maple.  I lightly dry brushed the white on top of it and then sanded and distressed until I was happy. The whole top got coats of tung oil and a dark wax and buffed until it was nice and smooth! Kinda has that beachy vibe.

The inside of the drawer was the only thing in decent shape. 

 Mercury glass knobs.  The mirror was my mother's. 


  1. Wow--You really transformed this piece into a thing of beauty

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